Monday, August 11, 2008

Beach Trips from Days Gone By

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:17
I was searching for some pictures today and I ran across some beach pictures from days gone by. When I see this one, I'm reminded of how God specifically created the rainbow to remind us and Him of His covenant with Noah. It still touches my heart to see each and every rainbow and I remember feeling especially blessed on this particular day....
One of the main reasons I love going to Fort Walton Beach, FL, is it's close proximity to the Naval and Air Force Bases. There's always an air show, even if there's not one scheduled.
This little girl is not quite this little anymore! She's my best friend's grandbaby and she poses sooo well for the camera.
Wow, haven't the girls grown? These photos were taken just two years ago and they look so young. It seems like yesterday when we started our family beach trips with my best friend's precious family.

There's never more than a few serious moments with these two!
The girls... in 2006
The young ladies.... now
If you missed this year's beach pics, you can find them here.

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