Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kitty Rescue 911

Work can be stressful.... but it wasn't for me last weekend! All my babies were stable.... and I even got a little exercise outside on a break... little did I know that I was going to be part of a "Kitty Rescue 911!"
The tiniest little kitten started following Tiffany and I during a walk... Mind you, this hungry little baby was in Downtown Huntsville, in a busy parking area, checking out the dumpsters! There was no way we were going to leave that baby to be flattened by the next delivery truck.... so this precious little bear followed us all the way to pick out the box we stashed it in to take it to my house the next morning! Life at my house for cats is not easy, but the odds there are better than a busy parking lot anytime....
We taped up the box, stored it on top of my car in the parking garage, and returned to work to scrub up again! Of course, I called security to alert them that the moving box on top of my car was not a bomb, but a kitten.... that got more than a few laughs! Lo and behold, one of our nurses was looking for a kitten and our little rescue fit the bill! She called her daughter (who arrived in about 10 minutes) and now this precious baby is living at a posh apartment in Huntsville with a Cocker Spaniel that has already decided they are friends for life!
I just love the little things in life that bless us all.....

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